Saturday, April 18, 2009

friday questions--a day late

what is your favorite season and
is there one that tests your sobriety?

do you find that family, friends or
co-workers treat you differently
since getting into recovery?

how often, if ever, do you think
of a drink or drug?

are you comfortable sharing everything
with your sponsor, or are there issues
you would rather discuss with a therapist
or clergy?

what is the aspect of drinking, if any,
do you miss the most?

have you found that happiness described
in the promises or do you find it's a choice
rather than a result of sobriety?

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Kathy Lynne said...

what is your favorite season and
is there one that tests your sobriety? I think autumn is my favorite...probably summer is more testing, the whole summer fun in the sun thing...

do you find that family, friends or
co-workers treat you differently
since getting into recovery? NO

how often, if ever, do you think
of a drink or drug? not often and when i do its fleeting

are you comfortable sharing everythingwith your sponsor, or are there issues you would rather discuss with a therapist
or clergy? I am very comfortable with my sponser since doing a fifth step with her.

what is the aspect of drinking, if any,do you miss the most? nothing

have you found that happiness described in the promises or do you find it's a choice
rather than a result of sobriety? I think active alcoholism blocked my ability to make that choice

clean and crazy said...

1. my favorite is fall and watching the leaves turn, feeling the crisp cold snap in the air at the days end is such a wonderful feeling. Summer to the second part, I hate wearing shorts and tank tops, insecure about myself causes me great fear.
2. absolutely, they trust me today.
3. daily and I remember to share about it.
4. i found that if I can't trust my sponsor, then it is time to get a new one.
5. my false courage.
6. choice, definitely a choice and there are days I choose misery.
thanks for these great questions, you haven't lost your touch.
