Friday, July 31, 2009

restore to sanity

at meetings i often hear that we are "insane"

that is quite the demeaning, inappropriate,
and inaccurate term

Ryan Howers Ph.D. psychologist and grad school
professor of psychology, shares;

I hear this every week, sometimes twice a day: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." No, it isn't.

To be clear, insanity is a legal term pertaining to a defendant's ability to determine right from wrong when a crime is committed. Here's the first sentence of's lengthy definition:

Insanity. n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.

Insanity is a concept discussed in court to help distinguish guilt from innocence. It's informed by mental health professionals, but the term today is primarily legal, not psychological. There's no "insane" diagnosis listed in the DSM. There's no "nervous breakdown" either, but that's another blog
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

myths about drinking & driving


  1. I can hold my booze: Too many guys think drinking a six-pack of beer and then driving is OK, which is why 81 per cent of all impaired drivers in alcohol-related crashes are male. So guys, if you think driving drunk will impress the ladies, think again. Remember those pick-up lines you thought sounded slick but actually acted as repellent? Alcohol not only impairs your ability to score a date, it impairs your vision, concentration and ability to react to unexpected hazards on the road.

  2. I know that I'm sober enough to drive: While you may be able to see and walk without staggering after drinking a few beers the reality is you can't always tell when impairment kicks in - it actually starts with your first drink. Alcohol affects more than your vision and coordination. It affects your judgment, attention span, alertness, reaction time and ability to do more than one task at a time - vital things you need when you get behind the wheel.

  3. All I need is something to eat and I'll be fine: While having a burger with your beer is a good idea, a full stomach is not an effective defence against impaired driving. And no amount of coffee, cold showers or fresh air will sober you up either. The only cure is time. In fact, it takes about six hours for your body to eliminate all the alcohol from your body when you have a blood alcohol concentration of .08, the legal limit.

  4. I won't get caught: Police have stepped up roadchecks in recent years. Drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs face a range of penalties from 24-hour driving prohibitions and vehicle impoundments, 90-day administrative driving prohibitions to criminal charges, fines and jail time. On top of fines, convicted drinking drivers may also be required to attend an alcohol rehabilitation program and may have an alcohol interlock device installed in their vehicle to prevent them from starting or continuing to drive while impaired.

  5. I don't drink and drive but driving after a joint is fine: Numerous studies have shown that "stoned" drivers can be every bit as dangerous as drunk drivers. Depending on what you've smoked, swallowed or injected, drug impairment ranges from slowed reflexes, flawed depth perception to hallucinations and seizures. And if you've been mixing alcohol and drugs and are tired from partying all night, this combination can be even deadlier. New legislation now allows police to test drivers for drug impairment and charge those who refuse to provide blood, saliva or urine samples.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

monday quotes

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.
- Richard Bach

One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.
- Gaston Bachelard

You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.
- Joan Baez

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself.
- Ethel Barrymore

Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
- Eddie Cantor

If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.
An egotist is a person of low taste--more interested in himself than in me.
- Ambrose Bierce

Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you do hold.
- Josh Billings, pen name of Henry Wheeler Shaw

There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude... a quiet joy.
- Ralph H. Blum

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Friday, July 24, 2009

the meaning of life

why are we here?
ever ponder the reason?

is it a test to determine
our place in the hereafter,

or just enjoy and endure the
time we're given.

no one knows for certain;
we rely on faith and hope,
just doing the best we can

praying for guidance and strength
and leaving the rest to the will
of a greater power

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wednesday wisdom

  • Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself to others.
    It is because we are different that each of us is special.

  • Don't set your goals by what other people deem important.
    Only you know what is best for you.

  • Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart.
    Cling to them as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless.

  • Don't let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live up all the days of your life.

  • Don't give up when you still have something left to give,
    Nothing is really over . . . till the moment you stop trying.

  • Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.
    It is this fragile thread that binds us together.

  • Don't be afraid to encounter risks.
    It is by taking chances, that we learn to be brave.

  • Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find.
    The quickest way to receive love is to give love;
    the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;
    and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

  • Don't dismiss your dreams.
    To be without dreams is to be without hope;
    to be without hope is to be without purpose.

  • Don't run through life so fast
    that you forget not only where you've been,
    but where you are going.

  • Life is not a race,
    but a journey to be savored every step of the way.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

monday quotes

The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.
- Ramakrishna

No one grows old by living--only by losing interest in living.
- Marie Beynon Ray

Do more than exist, live.
Do more than touch, feel.
Do more than look, observe.
Do more than read, absorb.
Do more than hear, listen.
Do more than think, ponder.
Do more than talk, say something.
- John H. Rhoades

No matter what a man's past may have been, his future is spotless.
- John R. Rice

It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow."
- The Talmud

We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.
- Stacia Tauscher

Positive, continuous action toward your goals is the very best antidote to worry.
- Brian Tracy

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.
- Jim Valvano

To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee.
- William Walton

None are so empty as those who are full of themselves.
- Benjamin Whichcote

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Friday, July 17, 2009

friday fun

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

thursday thoughts

there is no such thing as gravity...
the earth just sucks.

ok, that's just my feeble attempt
at pessimistic humor.

just another reminder that
outlook is paramount.

the ability to face adversity,
accept reality and embrace
is essential to healthy recovery
and a balanced life.

that is all...

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

switching addictions


"It is easy for alcoholics and addicts new to recovery to substitute one addiction for another, becoming compulsively involved in other activities. Although those activities, such as work or exercise, may be otherwise healthy and productive, they can hamper recovery if they become a transfer of addictions.

One goal of recovery and learning to live a sober lifestyle is to regain control over your life and your choices. Compulsive behavior, even with productive activities, does not allow you to exercise free choice and is not within your control. Being out of control in any area of your life does not lead to true sobriety in the long run."

there are many who become workaholics, compulsive gamblers, exercise fanatics, or shopaholics,
some even develop an unhealthy dependence on 12 step or other support groups.
it's all about balance;
switching addictions is never a healthy option

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Monday, July 13, 2009

monday quotes

We look into mirrors but we only see the effects of our times on us - not our affects on others.
- Pearl Bailey

The future is like heaven - everyone exalts it, but no one wants to go there now.
- James Baldwin

If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you'll end up not doing anything for anybody.
- Malcolm Bane

Don't tell God about your big problems, tell your problems about your big God.
- Rev. Michael Beckwith

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop every now and then and look around, you could miss it.
- Ferris Beuler

What looks like a loss may be the very event which is subsequently responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life.
- Srully Blotnick

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Haven's Bravest

Congrats to the New Haven firefighters
who fought all the way to the Supreme
Court and reverse the lower court rulings
that denied them promotion to Lieutenant.

Shame on the Circuit Court Justices, including
Sonia Sotomayor for denying these dedicated
firefighters promotion based on race.

I experienced reverse discrimination in my
career on the Bridgeport, Ct. Fire Dept.

After the results of the Lieutenant's exam
were posted, not enough minorities were

In effect, I was was passed over for
promotion by lower scoring minorities.

This was after the test was designed by
a black psychologist and determined to be
fair to all.

the head of Civil Service at the time,
John Fabrizi, stated in court; "we can
provide a fair test, we can't guarantee

now the clueless liberal media is trying
to dig up dirt on the firefighter who
initially filed the lawsuit...

i was told that justice was blind to color;
for me it wasn't that way.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

aa alternatives

i've been asked to put forth a viable
alternative to aa.

there are several;
Rational Recovery
Secular Organizations for Sobriety
St Gregory Retreat

actually the most common method
of recovery from drinking and or
drugging is "maturing out".

many people decide they've had
enough, and quit on their own.

how successful is maturing out?
every bit as much and possibly more
than long term aa rates.

both hover around 5%

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Thursday, July 9, 2009


excerpt from Patrick and his Spiritual River blog;
always a practical, real life view of recovery...

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Now as I progressed in my recovery and started to learn some new things and have some different experiences, this whole “balance” thing started to creep into my life. Looking back, I can see that I had a fear of losing my obsessive focus, and I though that allowing some balance and variety into my life might cause me to relapse. This turned out to be false, and achieving some level of balance has turned out to be a very healthy thing for me today.

I like to talk about the holistic approach to recovery and I think that holism is a key to long term sobriety. If you are just getting clean and sober though, a laser focus on not picking up a drink or a drug and concentrating on all things recovery will probably serve you well. Certainly many who have relapsed in early recovery could say that they did not focus heavily enough on recovery. I also believe the strategy of overwhelming force helps validate these ideas.

Early recovery = focus.

Long term recovery = balance.

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Monday, July 6, 2009

monday quotes

Regardless of how much patience we have, we would prefer never to use any of it.
- James T. O'Brien

A label is easy to stick on, but difficult to remove.
- Old Proverb

If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.
- Aristotle Onassis

The bigger you make your God, the smaller you make your problems.
- Joel Osteen

Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late.
- Robert R. Updegraff

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
- Peter Ustinov

The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away.
- David Viscott

Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.
- Denis Waitley

Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.
- John Wayne

To live with fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity.
- Edward Weeks

When women go wrong, men go right after them.
- Mae West

Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to do what they want to do.
- Kathleen Winsor

If enlightenment is not where you are standing, where will you look?
- Zen Saying

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Friday, July 3, 2009

the disease concept


Alcoholism is not a Disease

Alcoholism is not a Disease

“In 1976, the writer Ivan Illich warned in a book, Limits to Medicine, that 'the medical establishment has become a major threat to health'. At the time, he was dismissed as a maverick, but a quarter of a century later, even the medical establishment is prepared to admit that he may well be right. (Anthony Browne, April 14, 2002, the Observer)”

History and science have shown us that the existence of the disease of alcoholism is pure speculation. Just saying it’s so, doesn’t make it true.

Nevertheless, medical professionals and American culture lovingly embraced the disease concept and quickly applied it to every possible deviant behavior from alcohol abuse to compulsive lecturing.

The disease concept was a panacea for many failing medical institutions adding billions to the industry and leading to a prompt evolution of pop-psychology.

Research has shown that alcoholism is a choice, not a disease, and stripping alcohol abusers of their choice, by applying the disease concept, is a threat to the health of the individual.

In a recent Gallup poll, 90% of people surveyed believe that alcoholism is a disease. Most argue that because the American Medical Association (AMA) has proclaimed alcoholism a disease, the idea is without reproach.

But, the fact is that the AMA made this determination in the absence of empirical evidence. After reviewing the history of the decision, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that the AMA has been pursuing its own agenda in the face of evidence negating the validity of alcoholism.

While the AMA has made extraordinary contributions in the mental health field, it is not outside the box. The AMA is a part of the capitalist paradigm that is necessary for our society to function.

The promulgation of the disease concept, in conjunction with AMA approval, has created a multi-billion dollar treatment industry that contributes billions to the health care industry.

But, with their status, mistakes in classifications can and do result in disastrous consequence. While the AMA’s classifications for the most part are accurate, the organization is not without error. Since its inception the AMA has made classifications of varying “deviant” behaviors without scientific research to validate its claims.

And, for whatever reason, the definition of a disease, as set forth by the AMA, is a malleable and all inclusive definition allowing for the inclusion of almost every deviant behavior. As a result, every unwanted behavior can be medicalized and medically treated thereby providing professionals with more patients and more income.

While many advocate for its benefits, the disease concept has proven to be far more damaging to the substance abuser then anyone could have predicted.

Therapists claim the disease concept helps the patient to understand the seriousness of [his/her] problems.

But in reality, this idea has backfired.

The disease concept strips the substance abuser of responsibility. A disease cannot be cured by force of will, therefore, adding the medical label transfers the responsibility from the abuser to others. Inevitably they become unwilling victims, and inevitably they take on that role.

In retrospect then, the disease concept has effectively increased alcoholism and drug abuse. Furthermore, its only benefit has been vast monetary reward for the professionals’ and governmental agencies responsible for providing recovery services. Specifically, it has not offered a solution for those attempting to stop abusive alcohol and drug use.

Further, it is beyond the grasp of logic for medical professionals to prescribe meeting attendance as a remedy for an “incurable” medical ailment, not to mention a contradiction to the supposed nature of the problem.

Medical professionals are admittedly incapable of helping drug addicts and alcoholics so they pass the buck. But, because of recidivism rates and treatment failure, the buck is passed right back.

Patients in search of help, pay, on average, over $18,000 (BRI 2003) to attend programs based on principals promulgated by 12 step groups. After an array of varying forms of “therapy” the patient is released with a prescription for life long attendance to AA or NA meetings.

In treatment and 12 step groups the individual is told that they can only live “one day at a time.”

Additionally, they are told that they should never be fooled into believing they can be cured, and if they don’t attend meetings they will inevitably fall prey to their “disease doing push-ups in the parking lot.”

The disease, as described by 12 steppers, is all powerful; it is a separate entity and without meetings it will destroy them. But, with some thought one realizes, these ideas are mutually excusive. To point out the obvious, if someone is “powerless” they would, by definition, not be able to control themselves, not even one day at a time.

The absurdities do not stop with 12 Step groups; professionals contribute their own set of absurdities. For example, the AMA’s definition of alcoholism is: “Alcoholism is an illness characterized by preoccupation with alcohol and loss of control over its consumption, such as to lead usually to intoxication if drinking; by chronicity, by progression and by a tendency toward relapse.

It is typically associated with physical disability and impaired emotional, occupational and/or social adjustments as a direct consequence of persistent excessive use (Langone 27).”

A natural assumption would be that the classification of a disease requires that characteristics and symptoms can be measured or observed.

While the majority of diseases fit this requirement, substance abuse does not.

The contradiction to these requirements lies within the defined nature of “alcoholism.” This supposed disease’s symptoms are only discovered after the consumption of alcohol. The health risks, dangerous behaviors and repercussions only materialize after the alcohol is consumed and not before.

In comparison, the diagnosis for cancer comes after symptoms surface or cancerous cell are discovered. There are physically visible anomalies that can be measured. This measurement does not exist with alcoholics. The majority of time, the diagnoses of alcoholism is a guess, if indeed such a diagnosis actually exists.

There is little question that a person exposed to carcinogens or radiation will eventually get cancer.

With alcohol it is questionable if a person will become a problem drinker if exposed to alcohol. While cancer is a separate entity of its own within the body that first exists without the knowledge of its host, over consumption of alcohol, a substance consumed by choice, is necessary before a diagnosis can be made.

That is to say that one must choose to create the condition before the condition can be diagnosed.

Furthermore, consider the following taken from CNE Health. “From doctors and patients to drug companies and the media, there are relentless pressures to classify any condition as a disease.

Richard Smith, the British Medical Journals editor, wrote: 'Doctors, particularly some specialists, may welcome the boost to status, influence and income that comes when new territory is defined as medical.

International pharmaceutical companies have an apparent interest in medicalising life's problems. Dr Iona Heath, head of ethics at the Royal College of General Practitioners, warns that there could also be clear downsides: 'Alternative approaches - emphasizing the self-limiting or relatively benign natural history of a problem or the importance of personal coping strategies - are played down or ignored.

The disease-mongers gnaw away at our self-confidence. Inappropriate medicalisation carries the dangers of unnecessary labeling, poor treatment decisions, economic waste, as well as the costs that result when resources are diverted from treating or preventing more serious disease. At a deeper level, it may help to feed obsessions with health.”(CNE Health)

Then there is the DSM IV criterion for diagnosing alcohol abuse. It also does not include physically measurable symptoms. It only requires social and/or legal problems.

The DSM IV criterion for diagnosing alcohol dependence requires only one physical symptom that is a result of drinking too much, which is alcohol withdrawal.

Following this logic, if a person smokes cigarettes they do not have a problem, but, when they stop smoking and go through nicotine withdrawal, they are then diseased.

Yet, most treatment professionals seem oblivious to these blatant contradictions. (Keep in mind that cigarette smoking is not a disease according to DSM IV, although it causes far more health problems than does the use of alcohol and other drugs combined.)

Sociologist and psychologist have long since been aware of the dangers of medicalising deviant behaviors. Most encourage extreme caution when diagnosing mental illness because of the potential for damage in doing so. People who are labeled usually conform to the standards that the label calls for whether the diagnoses is correct or not. Its dangerous ground that is commonly tread upon by professionals today.

What’s even more disheartening is that a large percentage of diagnoses are not made by doctors, but by unqualified “drug counselors.”

Treatment and AA are recommended by counselors as a way to “nip it in the bud” but these recommendations do far more damage to the individual than if they had just been left alone (which will be discussed later).

It should be pointed out that there is a major conflict of interest among drug counselors, a conflict of interest that cannot be ignored. The majority are, themselves, members of 12 step groups and are believers in AA dogma. These non-professional counselors have been manipulated into believing 12-Step propaganda. And, like the AMA, their status allows them to convince patients they need help because they are sick.

The disease concept oozes into every crevice of our society perpetuating harmful misinformation that hurts the very people it was intended to help.

It is a backwards situation where the assumptions of a few were adopted as fact by the medical profession, without evidence, and soon after, accepted by the public. With this said, visiting the history of the disease concept gives us all a better understanding of how and why all of this happened.

It is speculated that the disease concept originated in the 1800's with a fellow by the name of Dr. Benjamin Rush. He believed alcoholics were diseased and used the idea to promote his prohibitionist political platform.

He also believed that dishonesty, political dissention and being of African American decent were diseases as well. The “disease concept” was used throughout the late 1800’s and early 1900’s by prohibitionists and those involved in the Temperance Movement to further a political agenda.

Prior to this time, the term alcoholic did not exist. Alcohol was freely consumed but, drunkenness was not tolerated.

Many sociologists contribute its non-existence to the very stigma the disease concept removes. In fact, “Despite an ardent search, however, temperance adherents never identified an account of a drunkard before the 1800’s who reported that he has lost control of his drinking.” (Stanton Peele “Diseasing of America” pg 37)

“Drunkenness was not so much seen as the cause of deviant behavior-in particular crime and violence- as it was construed as a sign that an individual was willing to engage in such behavior.” (H.G. Levine, “The Good Creature of God and the Demon Rum,” in Alcohol and Disinhibitition, eds. R. Room and G. Collins.)

During this period of time social ties and family played a much more influential role in an individual’s life. Therefore, deviant behaviors were undesirable and less likely to occur. It was not until industrialization began, when the importance of social ties diminished, that alcoholism became a problem. We now live in a society that encourages binge drinking as a social norm, but at the same time, we live in a society that discourages it.

The “recovery” community’s adoption of the disease concept began with an early AA member named Marty Mann. Her efforts, combined with a somewhat dubious scientist named E.M. Jellinek, began national acceptance of the disease concept.

It was Jellinek’s “scientific” study that opened the door for the medical communities’ support. E.M. Jellinek’s study was funded by the efforts of Marty Mann. And, like so many other circumstances involving Jellinek and Marty Mann, the study was bogus if not outright fraudulent.

The surveys he based his conclusions on were from a hand picked group of alcoholics. There were 158 questionnaires handed out and 60 of them were suspiciously not included. His conclusion was based on less than 100 hand picked alcoholics chosen by Marty Mann.

Mrs. Mann, of course, had a personal agenda to remove the stigma about the homeless and dirty alcoholic or “bowery drunk” in order to gain financial support from the wealthy. By removing the stigma, the problem becomes one of the general population, which would then include the wealthy.

The first step was Jellinek publishing his findings in his book "The Stages of Alcoholism.” Later, E.M. Jellinek was asked by Yale University to refute his own findings. He complied. E.M. Jellinek’s Stages of Alcoholism did not stand up to scientific scrutiny.

Earlier in this century, the validity of the disease concept was often debated in medical circles.

However, in 1956 the American Medical Association (AMA) proclaimed alcoholism an "illness." Then, in 1966, the AMA proclaimed alcoholism a disease.

The decision was wrapped in controversy. Historically, Marty Mann had her hand in much of this and manipulated information and doctors into agreeing with the disease concept. Marty Mann used her position as founder of the NCA (National Counsel for Alcoholism) to promote the disease concept through Jellinek and a somewhat clandestine relationship with the founder of the NIAAA (National Institute for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse) whose founder worked with Marty Mann during the institute’s early development.

The founder of NIAAA (Smithers) was a major contributor to and promoter of the disease concept. It was his money that funded Jellinek’s work at Yale. Smithers was also responsible for gaining insurance coverage for patients in treatment (hence the 28 day program).

Smithers was certainly not altruistic in his efforts. At that time he had already launched a treatment program for which he was lobbying for insurance payments.

Acceptance by the medical community was the only way this could happen; alcoholism had to be a medical problem in order for medical insurance to pay for programs. We can see the influence of these “advances” everyday in treatment programs. Today the treatment industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, with insurance paying the lion’s share of the costs.

While it can be argued that Smithers’s efforts played an important role, it was Jellinek’s study that was such a monumental turning point for the supporters of the disease concept it.

The current disease paradigm was, in part, developed and promulgated by Jellinek and various other partial participants with personal agendas.

Today, Jellinek’s “Stages of the Alcoholic” is still widely used to diagnose substance abusers. But, these stages are based on a corrupt study that the author, himself, later refuted. Jellinek not only published a fraudulent study, he defrauded members of his academic community, and apparently lied about his educational background to gain acceptance.

Nonetheless, it was Jellinek’s “Stages of the Alcoholic” that led to diagnosing alcoholism as a disease and eventually to the medical acceptance of alcoholism as a disease. Astoundingly, the inception of the current disease and treatment paradigm is based on fraud.

But the misinformation and fraud did not stop with Jellinek, et al. More recently in an attempt to prove a genetic link for alcohol and drug abuse, most studies only provide roundabout evidence of a predisposition, not a cause for alcoholism.

With this said, we should point out that the predisposition can only prove a difference in bodily processes, not a difference in thinking.

'Knowing the sequence of individual genes doesn't tell you anything about the complexities of what life is,' said Dr. Brian Goodwin, a theoretical biologist at Schumacher College in Devon, England, and a member of the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico.

Goodwin goes on to explain single gene mutations are not accountable for, and cannot explain, complex behaviors. Genes produce proteins they do not guide behaviors. The truth is a predisposition for substance abuse, if it does exist, has no bearing on subsequent behaviors.

Chemical processes do not make a person an alcoholic. The person makes the conscience choice. Altered processing of alcohol in no way determines choice or behaviors. Obsessive drinking is not a reaction to bodily processes, but merely a choice. The amount consumed is determined by the individual not by the body.

Nevertheless, news stories surface every year proclaiming discoveries of the genetic sources of emotional and behavioral problems while ignoring the mountains of evidence that refutes such preposterous assertions.

Genetics is the new panacea for medical professionals. Since 1987 such reports have appeared on the front page of The New York Times in connection with manic-depressive disorder, schizophrenia, homosexuality, drug abuse and alcoholism.

For example, in the early 1990’s the Times published a front page story with the headline “Alcoholism Gene Found.” However, soon after, the Times published a story titled "Scientists Now Doubt They Found Faulty Gene Linked to Mental Illness."

This was not on the front page like the initial story but deep within the paper (Stanton Peele). In the study a genetic marker was found in 69% of 70 cadavers who had died from alcohol related deaths.

But, the cadavers only represented 5% of the American population. According to the study 25% of the population has the "alcoholism gene marker" or genetic predisposition. The actual alcoholic population is 10%. It was then found that only 1/5 of the 25% that have the marker would develop alcoholic drinking that fit the parameters of those involved in the Blum-Noble study. Therefore the results fail to demonstrate any increased vulnerability to alcoholism.

In later articles it was revealed that the genetic marker appears to have little to do with becoming an alcoholic. Not surprising, the AMA supported the faulty findings with limited investigation. The two members of the team who reported the false discovery of the gene were not without bias. Ernest Noble is the former director of the NIAAA and Blum, a Pharmacologist for Texas University, markets his own remedy for the malady in the form of supplements.

“Subsequently, a team of three genetics researchers summarized the results of research on the Blum and Noble "alcoholism gene:" excluding results from studies Blum himself conducted, "the frequency of the A1 allele at DRD2 is 0.18 in alcoholics, 0.18 in controls (random population and nonalcoholic), and 0.18 in severe alcoholics.

Blum et al. reported allele frequencies for their alcoholics that are significantly different from the combined allele frequencies reported by a total of seven other groups of investigators for alcoholics (p <.001)." (J Gelernter, D Goldman, N Risch, The A1 allele at the D2 dopamine receptor gene and alcoholism: a reappraisal, JAMA, 1993;269:1676) (Stanton Peele, the Bottle in the Gene)

Looking at the situation objectively, if alcoholism is passed through genes, the abnormality must be relatively new. As stated previously, alcoholism did not exist in the early colonization of America. In fact, it did not exist until the late 1700’s.

Some would argue that the residents of the United States are largely immigrants and as a result the alcoholism gene was introduced later in history. Meaning, the “new” citizens are not of the same family tree as those of the 1700’s.

But, its important to point out, many cultures outside of the United States do not even know what alcoholism is; they do not have a word for it. People with different cultural backgrounds do not have different genetic make-ups.

America’s arrogance has led the population to believe that we are scientifically more advanced than other cultures; therefore, we know the truth and they do not. But this is far from true.

In a country where we claim to “know the truth”, the city of Los Angeles has more addicts than all of Europe. While professionals strive to remove the stigma surrounding alcoholics, they are in essence, removing the social unacceptability of the act. By removing the stigma, they are encouraging this socially unacceptable behavior to continue. We replaced the negative stigma with positive acceptance.

Today the AMA reports that while there is no "alcoholic personality," it does not seem unreasonable to believe that there may be "some combination of personality traits which are contributive to the development of alcoholism.”

They assert that emotional immaturity and strong dependency needs are commonly seen in alcoholics.

While researchers work hard to prove the disease concept, sound, and verifiable, repeatedly studies refute the impact of genetic predispositions.

“A great deal of evidence, more consistent and extensive than anything yet established by biological research, shows that social categories are the best predictors of drinking problems and alcoholism. For example, in one study of Boston ethnics, Irish Americans were seven times as likely to become alcoholic over a 40-year period as Italian Americans living in the same neighborhoods.

"Research uniformly finds alcoholism to be 3 to 10 times as prevalent among men as among women. Even researchers with a biological orientation acknowledge that group differences of such magnitude cannot be explained by genetic factors; certainly no such genes have been identified.” (Peele, Second Thoughts about a Gene for Alcoholism)

Strangely, cultural groups that don’t believe they can control their drinking have higher rates of alcoholism than those who believe they can.

The NIAAA (National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse) found that 1 in 4 children in the US have been exposed to a family member who was/is an alcoholic before the age of 18.

In 1974 an estimate was developed by Booz-Allen Hamilton based on the ratio of problem drinkers in the US, and the average number of children a family has.

This method was then applied by the Children of Alcoholics Foundation in 1984, and it is estimated that 6,600,000 adolescents were children of alcoholics (Keep in mind that there are 195,000,000 people in the United States, so the number looks large.

But, in comparison to the overall population it is not). Another estimate, using the 1980 population census, puts the number of COA's (Children of Alcoholics) at 22,000,000.

It has also been found that children exposed to the idea that they will inevitably become alcoholic drinkers should they decide to drink, and those who enter support groups, have lower self-esteem and increased feelings of depression, two characteristics of every substance abuser.

Similar to treatment for substance abusers overall, children entering support groups as a result of familial problems are more likely to develop the same or similar problems themselves.

Furthermore, it has been shown in numerous studies that COA’s are only 6% more likely to become problem drinkers. Like the need for a war on drugs, the idea that COA’s will inevitably become alcoholics, is pure propaganda. Teaching children they will face inevitable consequence upon the consumption of substances, for many, creates the problem.

It seems that self-proclaimed treatment professionals, blinded by intention, are ignoring the overwhelming evidence that contradicts the very principles they teach. True scientist and medical professionals know, beyond reasonable doubt, the truth about alcoholism and substance abuse.

The rise of pop-psychology has clouded reasonable thought. Self-help groups, treatment “therapy,” counselors, and groupers are severely damaging the very people they are whole-heartedly trying to help. Twelve-Step dogma and treatment misinformation contradicts empirical evidence and rational thought, in essence, stripping patients and members of inherent and inbred abilities of spontaneous recovery.

While the NCADD (National Counsel on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence), formally the NCA, claims to “fight the stigma and the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions,” its happy-go-lucky explanations of alcoholism and its nature are insultingly unsound.

The NIAAA and the NCADD are two adamant supporters of the disease concept and 12 step therapies.

But, as previously stated, they are not altruistic in their efforts. These two organizations fund most of the treatment research that goes on in the United States. And, like Marty Mann, pick and choose those studies that fit the organizations’ agendas, or they manipulate and reinterpret the outcomes in their own favor. Thus, they receive funding to preserve themselves.

This fact is applicable across the board for all certifying governmental organizations and institutions. In truth, whether intentional or not, its is pure genius,. By filtering the facts, these organizations have “created” the necessity for themselves. They have created a public perception that they are needed by controlling and manipulating substance abuse information.

It has been estimated that 5.5 million Americans are in need of help for substance abuse issues. In 1988, 10.5 million U.S. residents could be diagnosed with alcohol dependency as set forth by the AMA and DSM IV, and 7.2 million more abused alcohol. Estimates among the general population indicate that 6-12% have substance abuse problems.

The population of substance abusers has slowly increased since the 1930’s coinciding with the spread of the disease concept and governmental interference in individual freedoms.

What is interesting is that since the 70’s the percentage substance abuse population has increased dramatically, just like the popularity and prevalence of the drug treatment industry. The question is: if the multi-billion dollar war on drugs and the multi-billion dollar treatment industry have been growing, why does the drug problem continue to get worse?

Irrefutable empirical evidence has shown that organizations and institutions who promote, and adhere to, the disease concept, fail when trying to help people with substance abuse problems.

Alcoholics Anonymous has successfully promoted itself as the only hope for alcohol abusers. The public perception is that Alcoholics Anonymous works, but the reality is something completely different.

In 65 years Alcoholics Anonymous has become a part of our social structure. Its tenets have led the medical establishment and been used to diagnose patients with alcoholism while simultaneously giving birth to dozens of spin-off anonymous meetings.

It’s most outstanding accomplishment has been successfully promoting a fictitious disease, as fact, and to be absorbed into the very fabric of our society.

But, while Alcoholics Anonymous has accomplished the unthinkable, its accomplishments have damaged the society. Although its intentions are synonymous with help, the organization’s lies and manipulations have damaged society as a whole, costing taxpayers billions of dollars and costing families the lives of their loved ones.

In 1990, the Alcoholic’s Anonymous General Services Office or AA GSO, the governing organization overseeing all “autonomous” meetings, published an internal memo for the employees of its offices.

It was an analysis of a survey period between 1977 and 1989. The results were in absolute contrast to the public perception of AA. “After just one month in the Fellowship, 81% of the new members have already dropped out. After three months, 90% have left, and a full 95% have disappeared inside one year!” (Kolenda, 2003, Golden Text Publishing Company)

That means that in under a year, 95% of the people seeking help from AA leave the program. While this only speaks for attendance, it has further implications. AA surveyors do not include dropouts in their sobriety statistics, which is a deceptive, if not outright dishonest, practice.

Using the AA GSO statistics, and including the program dropouts, the success rate of AA, as a whole “…the total averages of sobriety for the total AA membership become 3.7% for one year [of sobriety], and 2.5% over five years.” (Kolenda, 2003, Golden Text Publishing Company) It’s important to understand that 95% of all substance abuse treatment centers in the United States are 12 step based programs. Thus, the failures of AA, are also the failures of treatment.

Repeated studies have shown that the average person, who could be diagnosed with a substance abuse problem, will discontinue use on their own 20-30% of the time.

But, those who are exposed to AA and treatment, and who are taught the disease concept, have a drastically decreased chance of achieving sobriety. While treatment professionals are aware of program failure, governing organizations support and promote the adoption of 12 Step tenets into treatment programs for substance abusers.

Families pay tens of thousands of dollars to help their loved ones only to place them in programs that follow guidelines of another failing program. Any program based on a program that fails will inevitably fail. For most, 12 Step has become synonymous with failure.

In contrast, programs that teach control and choice are far more successful than programs that teach the disease concept.

While conventional treatment methods result in a 3% success rate after five years, programs that do not teach the disease concept, and instead teach choice, have success rates of 86% after five and even ten years (Baldwin Research Institute 2003).

In conclusion, after reviewing the available research from both sides of the debate, the belief in the disease of alcoholism, creates the existence of the disease.

Organizations and institutions that promote the disease concept are, in many cases, doing irreparable harm to the individual and performing a disservice to the population as a whole.

Geneticists are aware that a predisposition does not dictate subsequent behavior, and treatment professionals are aware that the programs they offer, fail.

It is an outright injustice when faced with the facts. Stripping human beings of their ability to choose is damaging, whereas giving them back the power of their own volition is essential for recovery. Alcoholism is a choice, not a disease.


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