Congrats to the New Haven firefighters
who fought all the way to the Supreme
Court and reverse the lower court rulings
that denied them promotion to Lieutenant.
Shame on the Circuit Court Justices, including
Sonia Sotomayor for denying these dedicated
firefighters promotion based on race.
I experienced reverse discrimination in my
career on the Bridgeport, Ct. Fire Dept.
After the results of the Lieutenant's exam
were posted, not enough minorities were
In effect, I was was passed over for
promotion by lower scoring minorities.
This was after the test was designed by
a black psychologist and determined to be
fair to all.
the head of Civil Service at the time,
John Fabrizi, stated in court; "we can
provide a fair test, we can't guarantee
now the clueless liberal media is trying
to dig up dirt on the firefighter who
initially filed the lawsuit...
i was told that justice was blind to color;
for me it wasn't that way.

it's about time! if you earn it, you should get it!
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