Wednesday, May 26, 2010

addiction treatment myths

just read an article from the addiction
recovery newsletter on treatment myths.

my observation is that people generally
feel that there is a certain rehab that will
"work" for an individual.
If they only find that 3 or 4 week center
their problem might be solved.

personal experience has shown me that
the vast majority of rehabs offer some
education about the physical, mental
and emotional aspects of addiction and

the downside is, these rehabs merely
recommend 12 step programs as a
long term solution to continued wellness.

examining the success rates of 12 step
models, they have been lacking in
providing long term recovery rates
as announced by aa's own worldwide
council, as hovering around 5%.

pretty dismal odds and hopefully
a wake-up call to the entire industry
that there has to be another way.

while there are non 12 step rehabs
available, they are quite rare.
these rehabs view addiction as
learned behaviors that can be addressed
through behavior modification, rather
than a lifelong of meetings.

until we re-examine the currently
accepted "disease concept" of
addiction, recovery rates will
remain dismal at best.

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clean and crazy said...

it saddens me that you don't believe in the 12 step program. maybe it is not the correct information you have. Narcotics Anonymous conducted a membership survey at their world convention and I even participated in it. THis membership survey had 13,500 responses. Now that is not a lot but it is about half of those who attended that convention. The reason so many members did not fill out the forms was they thought it was a violation of our tradition of anonymity. The problem with fear is you end up with so many people not seeing real numbers, the number of lives this program helps.

In that survey the percentage of continuous drug free were as follows 13% had 1 year clean, 33% had 1-5 years clean, 17% had 6-10 years clean, 14% had 11-15 years clean, 14% had 16-20 years clean and 9% had 20 plus years clean.

I think that is more then a 5% success rate. You can look up the numbers on there is a lot of recovery from 12 step programs, the reason so many don't succeed is we are our own worst enemies. this program is for those who want it, not those who need it. unfortunately so many members are just so full of self will and you cannot get it through osmosis. you have to be willing to dig deep and do the work. no one is going to do it for you.
