getting to the root causes of why we
abuse substances.
the first step of the process is to
identify certain triggers or life
situations that result in the reliance
on drugs or alcohol to cope.
part of the reinforcement of the use,
is the memory of the initial dulling or
numbing effect.
gradually we develop tolerance and
may begin to use more.
this is a major factor in the cycle
of addiction.
examining the life experiences and
stresses underlying the escape behaviors,
allows us to address the issues in a
positive and constructive manner.
the methods may vary from person
to person; what is important is the
willingness to seek help and get to
the bottom of our root causes of
abusing substances.
consider the advice given to the
overweight person...
"it's not what you're eating,
it's what's eating you"

God is good...
I love this strength show hre!
Go ahead!
good post, it IS about what's eating us...
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