while I certainly have a myriad of
experience admitting wrongs, making
amends and rehashing all my past
transgressions, my 12 step journey hasn't
allowed much opportunity to examine
my assets and positive qualities.
there was some benefit from listing
character flaws and making amends.
now I view my past recovery as
a decent starting point, but not
sufficient to expand on my values,
goals or continued progressive wellness.
my persona is not that of an alcoholic first
and foremost as I was exposed to in aa.
I am a father, a son and a partner who
developed a drinking problem.
as I address the internal struggles and
external forces that contributed to
addiction, I am better prepared today;
by drawing on my strengths and
abilities rather than the former
admission of powerlessness and
subscribing to the flawed "disease concept".

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Posted by Shadow to Stop, Drop, Recover at March 17, 2010 5:53 AM
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