how are relationships with family, friends
and co-workers since starting recovery?
do you associate with social drinkers, or
just people in the program?
what do miss, if anything, about the party life?
who is most impressed with your recovery?
where do you go to "get away from it all"?
when life hands you lemons, how do you cope?
why do think long term recovery is so elusive
for many?
do you believe in the "disease concept" of
have you gone to rehab, or came into
recovery on your own?
does recovery contradict or complement
your religious beliefs?

- with some unchanged, some i never see anymore, with those that matter, it has improved
- i haven't got any more contact with the people from rehab, that's what you guys are for... social drinkers i do associate with, but the heavy drinkers not, nor places/things that involve heavy drinking.
- being silly
- me....
- i write, i drive, visit a friend, play drums
- initially throw a tantrum, then use them for a cake. how do i cope? see answer above...
- that's too complex to answer...
- yes. no. dunno.
- rehab
- i'm neutral on this one
hey, how about sharing your views too?
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