this weeks recap of substance abuse antics
of the famous, from;
Broncos' D.J. Williams Faces Second DUI
The leading tackler for the Denver Broncos, D.J. Williams, faces disciplinary action from the team and the courts after he was arrested for the second drunken-driving charge. The defense co-captain of the team pleaded guilty in September 2005 to driving under the influence and was order to perform 24 hours community service.
Celebrity DJ Indicted in Cocaine Ring
Darrin Ebron, who runs Goodlife American Clothing and who works as a celebrity DJ, was one of 14 people indicted on drug trafficking and money laundering charges. Investigators said the ring used private jets to transport drugs coast to coast.
Jury Gives DWI Offender Two Life Sentences
A Texas jury voted to give a drunken driver two life sentences for taking two lives in an Easter morning car crash. John Patrick Barton, 30, pleaded guilty for the Interstate 35 deaths of Kandace Hull, 33, and her daughter, Autumn Caudle, 13.
Alaskan Drunk Driver Convicted of Murder
An Alaska woman who has been arrested for drunken driving five times and convicted three times has now been found guilty of second-degree murder after crashing her SUV into another vehicle, killing the driver. Police said Lori Phillips, 46, had more than a dozen drinks before the fatal crash. She will be sentenced March 4.
Woman Dies After SUV Crashes Into Bedroom
A 48-year-old Chicago woman died in her own bed after an SUV slammed into the side of her home. Killed by the suspected drunk driver was Josefina Prospero. Police said the 17-year-old driver tried to flee the scene, but was detained by neighbors.
Teachers Find Drugs in Preschooler's Shoe
When a 3-year-old Boston girl complained to her preschool teacher that her foot was hurting, the teacher soon found the cause of the problem. While trying to adjust the girl's sneaker, the teacher found 17 small plastic bags containing crack cocaine in the youngster's shoe.

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