Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just another Bozo on the Bus

I couldn't resist posting this pic about blogging.
The question I've been asking myself is, should I
include additional unrelated content in my blog?

It is getting to a point where there are only so many
recovery topics.
What I would love to see is a reality show from the
sober house. Now that would be interesting; but the
confidentiality aspect would prevent us from doing it.

Just completed another boring weekend at the Y.
It's just not challenging after owning a fitness center
back in the 80's.

Deb is recovering from major surgery; still in pain
but in good spirits. Even the dog senses her pain.
Step-daughter, hubby, Aden and newborn Logan
have been here to visit Grandma.

We had to ask one of our residents to leave; after asking him
to take a drug screen, he admitted to taking opiate painkillers.
It's never easy, especially since I was asked to leave a sober house
for drinking 7 years ago.

The reactions of folks who are caught can vary from,
sadness, anger, denial, and occasionally gratitude.

Hope you had a safe weekend(& more fun than me).

God knows how many people were injured or killed
this weekend due to alcohol and drugs.
All we can do is remain available for anyone seeking help.

ODAT Online Recovery Blogs

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Shadow said...

should I include additional unrelated content in my blog?

i think that's your decision 'cause it's your blog. you can make it what you want it to be... i think everyone does at some stage or another, so why not you?
