Friday, January 23, 2009

find your own path

the past weeks i have been making a
local noon meeting 4 or 5 times.

it's a large group, averaging between
45-60 people.
what i enjoy is the open discussion format,
additionally, it requires no hand raising.

around the room we go; with the understanding
that it is a large group, so keep your comments
brief. for me, that is important.

nothing defeats my attention span more
than a long-winded diatribe.

my views are sometimes a bit,
"out of the box", and many times
someone will have to refute what
i said. it is very much a "group-speak"
type of meeting.

i'm not angered or deterred by some
old-timer attempting to dismiss or
discredit my share.
my hope is that if one person can
benefit from my differing point of
view, it was well worth it.

sorry group faithful, but we ARE
all unique, with different upbringing,
morals, values and experiences.

there is no "one size fits all" solution.

recovery is complex, ever-changing,
and an individual process.
group therapy has its place;
but the buck stops with you...

belief in a deeper power is beneficial,
but sorry, turning it over sounds really
impressive, provided it doesn't absolve
you from responsibility and accountability.

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RipGurl said...

I love your blog! I am a newly recovering alcoholic and am constantly looking for company. The blogosphere allows me this with more anonymity. Given my profession (teacher), this is of most interest to me. Too often I would go to meetings to see parents of former students, Ugh...

Thank you for being a positive force.
By the way, I nominated you the Lemonade Stand award.

Shadow said...

"provided it doesn't absolve
you from responsibility and accountability" now THAT says it all!

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm another one of those believers that "one size fits all" solutions are non-existant. If we take into account each of us has a unique personality, we are not going to find the same approach to dealing with our addictions. Yes, AA does offer guidelines to get sober and stay sober, yet..nothing is written in stone. Great post hon! (Hugs)Indigo
