Catchy slogan, don't you think?
Remember; the only requirement for membership, is a desire to stop drinking and drugging.
What these 3 words say to me is, even if it's not happening right away, stick around and give it a chance.
The more I try to analyze how recovery works, the more confused I get. Ever since I let go of my intellectual curiosity, I began to realize that I don't get the program, the program gets me!
There is no magic in the rooms; it's just that feeling of a common bond, regardless of individual differences. Something in listening to the good, bad and ugly stories gives me a reminder of what I've done and a promise of what can be accomplished.
If I can do a good deal of listening and share a small piece of my journey, it gives me another day, and a piece of the clean and sober puzzle, that may have been missing.

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