Anyone who's been in recovery for any length of time, can attest to the fact that only a small percentage stick around. When I hear, "they didn't work it, or surrender", I just shake my head.
It is the pervasive nature of this disease that resists most attempts at continued sobriety. Anyone who preaches that relapse is NOT part of recovery, is delusional. Yes, I know every group has one or two first-try success stories; but they are extremely rare.
Long term recovery(starts at 5 years) can be quite elusive for the majority. Studies indicate that only 5%, or 1 in 20 achieve it. While attendance in the rooms stays mainly the same, the number of addicts and alcoholics rises every year.
I try to avoid being discouraged by the statistics, but it can be difficult when I see people I know slip. What I try to convey to anyone who relapses is to concentrate on what to do next, accepting the consequences and learning from the experience.

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