This is how I have to look at myself today; I am not all that different from anyone else in the rooms of recovery.
Initially I found it difficult to identify with anyone in the rooms.
When I heard stories of crashing cars, getting arrested and spending time in jail, I said, "well I haven't done any of that stuff."
It did take some time for me to stop comparing my experiences with those of others.
Eventually I would begin to look for the similarities, rather than the differences. What I have found are people of various ages, races and careers; very diverse backgrounds, but we all seem to end up in the same boat. Alcoholism and drug addiction are equal opportunity destroyers.
It doesn't matter when, or how much we drank; it is our mental and emotional state preceding, during and after that matters. I know many people who could out drink me, but the big difference was their mind was not consumed with the compulsion to continue day after day.

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