Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain & Obama- sons of alcoholics

just read this interesting fact from the Thornburn Addiction Report.

we can see the obvious differences between the two;
but both had alcoholic fathers.
while barry's dad left early on, john lived with and
watched his father's behaviors.

both men became overachievers as a way to compensate
for the behaviors and failings of their fathers.

research shows that ACOA's either react or learn
some of these paternal behaviors.

concerns for children of alky's are stunted emotional
growth, enabling and a need for control.
a common thread among ACOA's is they only grow
emotionally at half the rate of non-alcoholic children
of non-alky parents.

they can grow up and out of these traits, but it
takes some time and work.

i hope that either one who becomes president,
has done just that.

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Shadow said...

yeah, i hope so too.

and i hope the bean comes out on top too. a niggly worry that's always in the back of my head...

Kathy Lynne said...

I worry about my children too because I know I have those traits as well. I read dreams from my father but I guess I didn't quite get the part that Obama's father was an alcoholic.

My hopes are the same but I really hope its barack who gets there.

anna maria said...

Australian youth are out of control with alcohol. Now it's a race to get drunk as quickly as you can and young women on girls nights out every weekend line up the shots at the bar and later stagger out onto the street many young people end up in hospitals with alcoholic poisoning.

There is a push to close pubs and clubs at a reasonable hour instead of being allowed to be open 24/7 and I think this may help.

But alcohol is so entrenched in our culture I don't think anything will ever change.

Interesting about Obama and McCain being sons of alcoholics - didn't know that.

Recovering Son said...

I like what your doing: I have a blog, "Sons, Husbands, brothers and fathers of alcoholics" that I've just started. I have over 26 yrs recovery, and have been working hard on the family issues, because they lurk in the background like static that will drive you crazy if you don't take care of it.
